Episode 7
with Reuben Lorch-Miller (Re-Release)
June 13th, 2019

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5 years later, we re-release Episode 7 with artist Reuben Lorch-Miller. Reuben! The great! We talk house plants, creative constraints, magic tricks, and marriage. All timely topics! Amy’s house plants are thriving and she’s getting hitched this week. Get ready for a blast from the past.
Show Notes
Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna (The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists)
Shandaken Project
Reuben’s work at Dose Projects
James Hollis
Adorama Prints
Rule-based processes
Magic, sleight of hand, card tricks
1. Tunapu, sculptures and photocopies. Installation view at Grizzly Grizzly, Philadelphia, PA, two person show with Terra Fuller, 2016
2. We May Be Ghosts, sculptures, photographic posters and photocopies. Installation view at Land and Sea, Oakland, CA, 2016
3. Odd Time, sculptures, photographic photocopies, paintings and flyers. Installation view at Dose Projects Space, Brooklyn, NY, 2015
4. New Totem I, found plastic sign, recycled cardboard, acrylic mirror scrap, found flyers, photocopies, wall paper paste, tape, paint and QR code linking to The Intercept's The Drone Papers, 34 x 20 x 16 inches, 2016
5. untitled 1, cast and carved concrete, 19 x 20 x 9 inches, 2016
6. Free Help, Photocopy flyers, 2018. Installed at 211_F, Center for the Visual Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
7. Free Help, Photocopy flyers, 2018. Installed at 211_F, Center for the Visual Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
8. Magic Hands (front), 8.25 x 11.5 inches, two sided photocopies, 2015
5 years later, we re-release Episode 7 with artist Reuben Lorch-Miller. Reuben! The great! We talk house plants, creative constraints, magic tricks, and marriage. All timely topics! Amy’s house plants are thriving and she’s getting hitched this week. Get ready for a blast from the past.
Show Notes
Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna (The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists)
Shandaken Project
Reuben’s work at Dose Projects
James Hollis
Adorama Prints
Rule-based processes
Magic, sleight of hand, card tricks
1. Tunapu, sculptures and photocopies. Installation view at Grizzly Grizzly, Philadelphia, PA, two person show with Terra Fuller, 2016
2. We May Be Ghosts, sculptures, photographic posters and photocopies. Installation view at Land and Sea, Oakland, CA, 2016
3. Odd Time, sculptures, photographic photocopies, paintings and flyers. Installation view at Dose Projects Space, Brooklyn, NY, 2015
4. New Totem I, found plastic sign, recycled cardboard, acrylic mirror scrap, found flyers, photocopies, wall paper paste, tape, paint and QR code linking to The Intercept's The Drone Papers, 34 x 20 x 16 inches, 2016
5. untitled 1, cast and carved concrete, 19 x 20 x 9 inches, 2016
6. Free Help, Photocopy flyers, 2018. Installed at 211_F, Center for the Visual Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
7. Free Help, Photocopy flyers, 2018. Installed at 211_F, Center for the Visual Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
8. Magic Hands (front), 8.25 x 11.5 inches, two sided photocopies, 2015