House Hunting
with Caitlin MacBride
October 1st, 2021

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This week we’re re-releasing Caitlin MacBride’s episode on the occasion of her show at Heroes Gallery. The venue pairs emerging artists with established, historically significant artists that have played a role in their development. Very cool. It’s up through October 30, 2021. Also, Caitlin’s getting married on Saturday, and that’s a fun thing to celebrate. Caitlin MacBride, everybody! Three cheers to her and her tight, smart, beautiful paintings.
Caitlin MacBride
Elaine Scarry
Audre Lorde
Ryan Trecartin, A Family Finds Entertainment
Guitar Center Guy
Mirror Mirror band
The OC
Working Girl
Feminist Art
Gloria Steinem
bell hooks
Cheyney Thompson
Amy Sillman
Pat McElnea
Mignon Nixon Louise Bourgeois
Danny Marcus
1. Portrait of Caitlin MacBride
2-3. Installation view, " You Want It Darker" at 315 Gallery
4. Harsh Rose, 2018, oil on wood panel, 9" x 12"
5. The Smell Of His Wool, 2018, oil on wood panel, 8" x 10"
6. If It Bleeds, It Leads, 2018, oil on wood, 11" x 14" 13.
This week we’re re-releasing Caitlin MacBride’s episode on the occasion of her show at Heroes Gallery. The venue pairs emerging artists with established, historically significant artists that have played a role in their development. Very cool. It’s up through October 30, 2021. Also, Caitlin’s getting married on Saturday, and that’s a fun thing to celebrate. Caitlin MacBride, everybody! Three cheers to her and her tight, smart, beautiful paintings.
Show Notes
Caitlin MacBride
Elaine Scarry
Audre Lorde
Ryan Trecartin, A Family Finds Entertainment
Guitar Center Guy
Mirror Mirror band
The OC
Working Girl
Feminist Art
Gloria Steinem
bell hooks
Cheyney Thompson
Amy Sillman
Pat McElnea
Mignon Nixon Louise Bourgeois
Danny Marcus
1. Portrait of Caitlin MacBride
2-3. Installation view, " You Want It Darker" at 315 Gallery
4. Harsh Rose, 2018, oil on wood panel, 9" x 12"
5. The Smell Of His Wool, 2018, oil on wood panel, 8" x 10"
6. If It Bleeds, It Leads, 2018, oil on wood, 11" x 14" 13.